​​​​​​​When looking for Dragonflies/Damselflies, it is best to go on a hot, sunny day. 
A cool overcast day can be very disappointing. 
Yeovil Country Park runs from central Yeovil to the outskirts of Yeovil, so it is a few miles long.
The area I tend to explore here is off the Lyde road and is the land of the Demoiselles. 
Both Banded and Beautiful Demoiselles are here, but especially good for Banded.
I tend to get the impression that Beautiful Demoiselles tend to come out a little earlier than Banded.

Mid May / June

DAMSELFLIES: Banded Demoiselle, Beautiful Demoiselle
NB The list above just names the key species during these dates and is not a complete list.

There is a car park half-way along Lyde Road in Yeovil, park here.
Walk down to the River Yeo, about 5 minutes.
I tend to find going left along the River Yeo is best and just keep on the footpath closest to the river.
There are normally loads of Banded Demoiselle around with a few Beautiful Demoiselle thrown in.
The Beautiful Demoiselle tends to stay nearer the river, where the Banded Demoiselle tends to be either side of the path.

Slope going down to river, then flat / Mixture of hard core tracks and grass tracks / Mainly Uneven.