When looking for Dragonflies/Damselflies, it is best to go on a hot, sunny day. 
A cool overcast day can be very disappointing.
This is a site I occasionally go to as an alternative.  It doesn't have the numbers as Ham Wall and Westhay do in May or June, but it is a tranquil place to have a walk around and much quieter than the others.
The Heath Area, I believe this is what it is called, can be an interesting feeding area for newly emerged Emperors in early June.
Various hawkers are around later in the years.
Late May / Early June
DRAGONFLIES: Hairy Hawker, Scarce Chaser, Emperor
DAMSELFLIES: Large Red Damselflies and a variety of the Blues

Later June / July
DRAGONFLIES: Emperor, Brown Hawker, Southern Hawker
DAMSELFLIES: Small Red Eyed Damselfly

August / September
DRAGONFLIES: Common Darter, Migrant Hawker, Southern Hawker

NB The list above just names the key species during these dates and is not a complete list.

Don't park in the main hide area, but the small car park just by the road.
Head up the track towards Tower hide area.
I normally take the long route to Tower Hide as the track goes around the water edge and can be interesting for various species.  The narrow path that approaches Tower hide can be very interesting, especially for small red-eyed damselflies in June.
Then go past Tower hide and explore this region of the reserve.  There is an interesting area where loads of ponds have been created as well as the heath area, which can be an interesting feeding area.

Flat / Mixture of hard core tracks and grass tracks / Mainly Uneven