Small Red-eyed Damselfly (Erythromma viridulum)
These are known as one of the 'Blue Damselflies' of which Somerset has 7 species: Common, Variable, Azure, Blue-tailed, Red-eyed, Small Red-eyed and White-legged. Identifying these species can be very complicated as they all have similar features and all have colour variations and changes in colour as they age.
Males are blue and black with red eyes, although immature ones look very similar to the female form until they get their blue colouration.
Females are greenish/yellowish and black, they have brownish eyes, some females go to a blue colour as well and are similar to the males.
They are hard to tell apart from the larger Red-eyed and also can be confused with Blue-tailed.
Want to See
They like static water with vegetation on top, like Lillies where they can hang out.
So ponds, and very slow moving rhynes, rivers.
Found on the levels and up on the Mendips.
Especially Good
SWT Westhay Nature Reserve (July)