Downy Emerald (Cordulia aenea)
A more unusual one for Somerset and the only Emerald we have in the county.
It can look very dull when not in the sun, but a bronze/green abdomen/thorax can be seen when well lit.  It also has striking green eyes.
Males have a waist at the front of the abdomen and a slightly clubbed tail at the end. 
Females have no waist and have a more uniform abdomen.
Short on images for this species and currently haven't found a female to photograph.

Want to See 
Likes ponds and still water sources with trees at the edge where they like resting.
Priddy Ponds in the Mendips was the only consistent known location for this species, but in 2023 there were a few reported sightings of it at RSPB Ham Wall.

Especially Good
Priddy Ponds - Mendips (Mid June / July) 
